Center for Quantitative Biology


    • Phone010-62767261
    • DepartmentCollege of Engineering, Peking University
    • Research InterestBioinformatics, computational systems biology
    • Homepage

    Main Publications:1.  Chengwei Luo, Gang-Qing Hu, Huaiqiu Zhu, Genome reannotation of Escherichia coli CFT073 with new insights into virulence, BMC Genomics, 2009, 10: 552.2.  Hong

    1. Information

    Main Publications:

    1.  Chengwei Luo, Gang-Qing Hu, Huaiqiu Zhu, Genome reannotation of Escherichia coli CFT073 with new insights into virulence, BMC Genomics, 2009, 10: 552.

    2.  Hong Kang, Xin-Qiu Yao, Zhen-Su She, Huaiqiu Zhu. Water-protein interplay reveals the specificity of alpha-lytic protease. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co., 2009, 385: 165-169.

    3.  Gang-Qing Hu, Xiaobin Zheng, Yi-Fan Yang, Philippe Ortet, Zhen-Su She, Huaiqiu Zhu. ProTISA: a comprehensive resource for translation initiation site annotation in prokaryotic genomes. Nucleic Acids Res., 2008, 36: D114-119.

    4.  Huaiqiu Zhu, Gang-Qing Hu, Yi-Fan Yang, Jin Wang, Zhen-Su She. MED: a new non-supervised gene prediction algorithm for bacterial and archaeal genomes. BMC Bioinformatics, 2007, 8: 97.

    5.  Huai-Qiu Zhu, Gang-Qing Hu, Zheng-Qing Ouyang, Jin Wang, Zhen-Su She. Accuracy improvement for identifying translation initiation sites in microbial genomes. Bioinformatics, 2004, 20(18): 3308-3317.